EU Law 3.


The course is dedicated to providing a thorough overview of some of the EU's policies which helps students get an insight into the life of the EU. The course entitled European Law 3. builds on the knowledge related to the internal market acquired during the course European Law 2. Building on the law of the internal market the course analyzes the individual policies of the EU, such as the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Commercial Policy and Regional Policy. Moving beyond the scope of economics it also examines the role of the Union in world politics and its position in international relations. The course pays particular attention to the notion of "Europeanism" articulated in the values of the Union, its cultural and language policy, the place of family and religion in the value system and functioning of the European Union.


1. The EU and Public International law
2. Policy-making in the EU
3. Common Foreign and Security Policy
4. EU's Common Agricultural policy
5. EU's Common Commercial policy
6. EU's Regional policy
7. EU's Social policy
8. EU's Environmental policy
9. EU Intellectual property law
10. EU's Language policy
11. EU Health Law- Patient mobility in the EU
12. EU anti-discrimination policy/ Minority Rights Protection in the EU
13. The status of families in the EU
14. Religion in the EU
15. EU immigration and asylum law
16. EU development and Humanitarian Aid policy
17. Human rights policy


written exam, graded 1 (F) to 5 (A)

Reading in Hungarian:

Szabó Marcel – Gyeney Laura – Láncos Petra Lea: Uniós szakpolitikák (Szent István Társulat, 2014)

Kende Tamás- Szűcs Tamás: Bevezetés az Európai Unió politikáiba (Complex, 2011)

Reading in English:

Common Agricultural Policy,
H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack, A. R. Young: Policy-Making in the European Union, OUP, 181-203.

Trade Policy,
H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack, A. R. Young: Policy-Making in the European Union, OUP, 381-398.
C. Barnard: The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, OUP, 193-219

EU and religion,
R. McCrea: Religion and the Publich Order of the European Union, OUP, 16-50.

Immigration and integration policy,
C. Barnard: The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, OUP, 519-555.

Social Policy,
Catherine Barnard, EC Employment Law, OUP, 2006, 3-61.
C-438/2005 Viking ECR [2007] I- 10779
C-341/2005 Laval ECR [2007] I-11767
Language Policy,

Free Movement of Companies,
Alberto Russo: Cross-border Movement of Companies in the European Union.

EU and International Law,
Szabó Marcel: The EU under Public International Law: Challenging Prospects In
The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (Szerk.: Catherine Barnard),
2007-2008, vol. 10, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, 303-343.